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New & Reconditioned Conveyors & Conveyor Systems
Producing Conveyor Systems In Southern California for Local and Nationwide Sales

Bulk Handling Conveyors

Bulk Handling MasterIngalls Conveyors supplies proven mechanical bulk handling systems designed to suit specific applications. Our conveyors utilize sealed Trough Idlers and Wing Pulley assemblies for easier cleaning. On level and incline applications, our bulk handling conveyors efficiently handle dirt and other bulk material such as sand and gravel.

We can use either built in Vulcanized Chevron cleats. Or, for a more economical, but less stress tolerant option: Bolt on cleats. Bolt on cleats have an additional advantage in that they can be placed anywhere on the belt to fit your load size.

Please call 1-800-826-4554 or email to contact one of our engineering staff members about your bulk handling conveyor requirements.



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